Character Design - Week #2

In the second week of our character design workshop we were given a film or series and had to use the style of the film to draw our own characters that would fit their universe. I was given the show Danger Mouse.

After that we had to draw characters from the show (in my case Danger Mouse) and draw it in the given style for our project - which is in my case exaggeration.

Justin then also pointed me out to one of the villains in the show that is called Camembert, which is based on a camembert and other french stereotypes. I therefore created a german villain based on a curry sausage / bratwurst. 

Lastly we worked on our project again. From my research of giraffes last week I tried to sketch them in different poses by moving the joints of the body that I distinguished last week. After that I looked at cartoon versions of giraffes and created some sketches based on them.


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