Character Archetypes - Harry Potter
Archetypes & Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
This review will showcase how the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone (2001) by Chris Columbus applies to Carl Jung`s character archetypes. Key source will be Dwain Little`s presentation Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Archetype Analysis (2015) and Cyndi M.`s article The Eight Archetypes in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone“ (2015).
“In The Hero of a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell demonstrated that many of the most popular stories, even over thousands of years and across cultures, shared a specific formula. That formula is now commonly referred to as mythic structure, or the hero’s journey. Along with a specific plot structure, the hero’s journey has a repeating cast of characters, known as character archetype.“ (Winkle, 2014)
Most Hero`s Journey films start in the Ordinary World. This setting allows the audience to get to know the Hero, see their flaws and special attributes. For Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) Harry Potter is obviously seen as the Hero of the story. (Fig. 1) He is the main character and through his emotional background story the audience emphasize with him and can identify themselves with him. His horrible life with the Dursleys is seen as his Ordinary World. It is in contract with the Special World, which is Harry`s future life at Hogwarts School Of Wizardry And Witchcraft.
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Fig. 1 - Harry Potter |
The letter invitation to come study at Hogwarts School Of Wizardry And Witchcraft can be seen as the Call to Adventure for Harry. However since the Dursleys keep the letters from Harry it is seen as the Refusal of the Call. It also makes the Dursleys the Threshold Guardians of the story, since they care for him until he goes off to Hogwarts. (Fig. 2)
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Fig. 2 - The Dursleys |
It isn`t until Harry is meeting his Herald Hagrid who is personally picking him up from the Dursleys and brings him to Hogwarts. (Fig. 3) Hagrid is introducing him to his destiny and the wizard world, which is making him the Herald since he is warning and challenging the hero. But Hagrid can also be seen as the Trickster which is the catalyst for change, since Hagrid’s actions ultimately move the plot in its need for the Hero Harry.
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Fig. 3 - Hagrid |
When Harry is boarding the Hogwarts Express he is Crossing the First Threshold. That is also when he is meeting the Weasley Family and becoming friends with Ron and Hermione, which become his future Allies.
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Fig. 4 - Harry`s best friends Ron and Hermione |
The three friends will experience their special adventures at Hogwarts. Such as finding the Philosopher’s Stone and passing tests in order to do so.That can be seen as the Approach of the Inmost Cave.At Hogwarts, Harry is also meeting Professor Severus Snape. He can be seen as The Shapeshifter, who misleads the Hero, since Severus Snape causes Harry a lot of pain and troubles at Hogwarts. (Fig. 5)
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Fig. 5 - Professor Severus Snape |
But Snape isnt`t Harrys only problem. The Supreme Ordeal is the hero`s biggest fear. Lord Voldemort is always Harry’s biggest fear since he is the wizard who killed his parents when he was a baby and left him with a permanent scar. That is why Voldemort can be seen as the Shadow of the story since he is Harry`s main enemy and embodies all that is dark in ourselves. (Fig. 6)
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Fig. 6 - Lord Voldemort |
The Reward of the story is when Harry survives Voldemort's attack and therefore death, as well as the Resurrection when Harry wakes up in the hospital after the attack. Harry`s stage of The Road Back is symbolized by the Hogwarts Express getting ready to depart. Followed by the Return with the Elixir. For Harry that embodies everything that he has learned in his time at Hogwarts and his growth as a human / wizard. Mainly because of his Mentor Dumbledore who offers guidance in a mystical way and helps Harry overcome his obstacles though his kindness and wisdom.
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Fig. 7 - Professor Dumbledore |
Summing up it can be said that Carl Jung`s character archetypes can be seen within Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and links into the twelve steps of the Hero`s Journey. However some of the characters in Harry Potter apply to more then one character and change over time.
Illustration List
Fig. 2 - The Dursleys (image) -
Fig. 3 - Hagrid (image) -
Fig. 4 - Harry`s best friends Ron and Hermione (image) -
Fig. 5 - Professor Severus Snape (image) -
Fig. 6 - Lord Voldemort (image) -
Fig. 7 - Professor Dumbledore (image) -
M., C. and profile, V. (2015). The Eight Archetypes in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2019].
Winkle, C. (2014). The Eight Character Archetypes of the Hero’s Journey. [online] Mythcreants. Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2019].
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