2000 Word Essay Ideas

On my birthday, the 4th of April, we have to hand in our 2000 word essay. Since we were free to choose any topic for this essay I briefly developed my three ideas in this mind map.

- The changing face of gay representation in films
- The objectification of women and gender roles in Disney films
- The whitewashing in film


  1. In terms of gay representation, it's very rich in terms of tropes and traditions - the sissy, the dandy, the queen etc... You've got 'camp' in the mix too, which is one of those difficult to categorise components of culture... the fascinating thing about queer representation is how it cuts to our ideas about gender roles, particularly in terms of the way we strictly characterise masculinity against femininity (both of which you might argue are themselves not completely stable constructs).

    Useful documentary: The Celluloid Closet...


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