Film review - "Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari"

Here is my very first film review of the movie "Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari".
I struggled a lot with starting to write it so I wrote the first paragraph in german first and then translated it. However once it came to the actual review part it was easier and smoother to write.
I also hope the Bibliography and the Illustration list is correct since I never had to do it before.


  1. Congrats, Vincent - reviewing your first film writing in a second language! Your response here is content-rich and benefits from the research time you gave for the symposia. You need to look again at the Harvard method in terms of what in-text citations look like - for example it's just the surname, followed by the date, as in (Perkinson, 2015). The Griffen quotes should be integrated into the flow of your argument, as opposed to standing alone and 'outside' of the text - this a style and technique thing, as the quotes themselves are great. Also, surnames in a biblography should be presented in alphabetical order.

    1. Thanks you so much Phil! Really appreciate your feedback and I'll try to improve it next time. Just one question - if there is no date to use for the in-text quotes, do I just use the surname ?

  2. Hi Vincent - yes indeed, well done on getting your first review out there!

    An excellent start, and as Phil says, by integrating your quotes into the text, your writing will flow much better (although I am quite a fan of using a quote at the start as you have, as an introduction!)
    I believe you will be getting some advice this week on how to go about embedding the quotes...

    Looking forward to reading your next review!

    1. Thank you Jackie for your positiv feedback! I also real liked to start with a quote, however I'll try to integrate them more next time.


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